Supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), a project entitled, Implementing Alliance for Zero Extinction (AZE) Site Conservation and Preventing Global Extinctions, is mobilizing $8.9 million for AZE site conservation and mainstreaming in Colombia, Chile, Madagascar and Dominican Republic. Project Goals The project’s objective is to improve the conservation of Alliance for Zero Extinction (AZE) sites in Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Madagascar. The main strategies to be pursued by the project includes the improvement of the conservation status of 20 AZE sites and associated AZE trigger species in focus countries, the mainstreaming of AZE site conservation at global and national levels, and the promotion of Knowledge Management to enhance understanding of and interest in AZE site conservation across sectors. The project seeks to improve protection of critically endangered and endangered species through implementation of priority AZE site conservation actions, enhance biodiversity conservation and reduce extinction threat through mainstreaming AZE site conservation, advance the application of KBA standards in pilot countries, and increase the understanding and application of AZE site conservation implementation in policies and plans by local, national, regional, and global stakeholders. Learn more about the GEF-funded AZE project here. Project Updates Green livelihoods. In Dominican Republic, organic coffee production has begun on 100 hectares. GEF AZE funds will further contribute to this effort in 2025. Webinar on NBSAPs and AZE sites. A recorded webinar from June 2024 on integrating AZE into NBSAPs to meet Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework goals, particularly Targets 1, 3, and 4, is now available here. Community outreach is an integral part of the GEF AZE project. In Chile, our project was invited to participate in San Pedro de Atacama’s Day of the Environment Fair. This was a great opportunity to discuss “La Ranita de Vilama,” the local AZE amphibian, and connect with environmental groups and with the community. In Madagascar, children learned about the AZE species at the Mahavavy-Kinkony Wetland Complex Protected Area, managed by NGO Asity Madagascar and home to highly threatened and AZE species, including the Ahmanson’s Sportive Lemur and the Paretroplus dambabe (or “Damba”) fish. Reforestation can be a key activity to prevent extinctions. Local communities assisted restoration efforts for the Bayahibe rose in Dominican Republic. Global project meeting: The Bayahibe rose (Pereskia quisqueyana), the national flower of Dominican Republic, is a critically endangered cactus endemic to southeastern part of the country. The GEF AZE project aims to protect this unique plant, as well as other endangered species in the four project countries. The project works to improve the conservation of AZE sites while supporting the equitable participation of women and indigenous communities in conservation efforts. At our 1st global project meeting, held in Dominican Republic in September 2023, the team visited the AZE site for the Bayahibe rose and planned the next years of the project. Gender Inclusion Toolkit: A toolkit available in English (GEF AZE Gender Toolkit) and Spanish (GEF AZE Guía de herramientas para la igualdad de género) has been developed to advance the full integration of women into the project. We applaud the focus on preventing extinctions in Goal A and Target 4 of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. An updated AZE fact sheet is now available. Private sector opportunities in AZE site conservation Include the Alliance for Zero Extinction concept in company safeguard and ESG policies. If your company owns an AZE site, create a private protected area to conserve the site. Subscribe to the Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT) to use authoritative geographic information about global biodiversity, including AZE sites, before making project decisions Contact the Alliance for Zero Extinction to learn about more opportunities to conserve AZE sites and prevent species extinctions. Project Concerns We are committed to avoiding or minimizing unintended harm that may be caused by this project directly or indirectly to stakeholders. If you have any concerns about this project, please click here. Preocupaciones del proyecto Nos comprometemos a evitar o minimizar los daños no intencionados que este proyecto pueda causar directa o indirectamente a las partes interesadas. Si tiene alguna duda sobre este proyecto, haga clic aquí. Préoccupations liées au projet Nous nous engageons à éviter ou à minimiser les dommages involontaires que ce projet pourrait causer directement ou indirectement aux parties prenantes. Si vous avez des préoccupations concernant ce projet, veuillez cliquer ici. Project Partners Ministry of Environment of Chile Madagascar Ministry of Environment, Ecology, and Forests Colombian Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Dominican Republic Asity Madagascar Humboldt Institute SOH Conservacion Missouri Botanical Garden The Peregrine Fund Royal Botanic Gardens Kew Metropolitan Park of Santiago (PARQUEMET) Agricultural Research Institute (INIA) Valle del Cauca Regional Autonomous Corporation (CVC) American Bird Conservancy BirdLife International