Lear's Macaw. Photo credit: Ciro Ginez Albano.

Several countries have developed national AZE conservation strategies to identify and protect these important sites for biodiversity conservation. Below, the steps taken to develop these conservation strategies and key lessons learned are shared to inspire the development and implementation of similar strategies elsewhere.

Madagascar AZE Case Study

You can download the AZE Case Study for Madagascar here Madagascar AZE Case Study Background Initiated in 2005 by conservation organizations, AZE is an initiative at the global level now totaling more than 98 members and aimed at identifying and protecting sites that are the only ones where some endangered species can be found. The Read more about Madagascar AZE Case Study

Chilean AZE Conservation Strategy

The Development of Chile’s AZE strategy was written by the Chilean Ministry of the Environment. It highlights the identification of AZE sites in Chile, a gap analysis on the protection levels of those sites, and the Chilean government’s AZE site conservation approach. It includes maps of Chilean AZE sites, lists of Chilean AZE sites and associated Read more about Chilean AZE Conservation Strategy

Brazilian Alliance for Extinction Zero (BAZE) Conservation Strategy

The development of the Brazilian Alliance for Extinction Zero (BAZE) updated site list and conservation strategy was written by Fundação Biodiversitas in partnership with American Bird Conservancy, BirdLife International, Global Environment Facility and the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment. Authors: Cássio Soares Martins (Fundação Biodiversitas), Gláucia Moreira Drummond (Fundação Biodiversitas), Marina Schmoeller do Prado Rodrigues (Fundação Biodiversitas). Read more about Brazilian Alliance for Extinction Zero (BAZE) Conservation Strategy