Image used in hero section:Encephalartos munchii. Photo credit: Van Swearingen.

Below you will find the over 125 AZE partners throughout the world. We encourage you to visit their individual websites to support their efforts.

African Conservation Foundation
Almada Mata Atlântica Project (AMAP)
Allies for Wildlife
American Bird Conservancy
American Museum of Natural History
Amphibian Survival Alliance
ARCAS (Wildlife Rescue and Conservation Association)
Ascension Heritage Society
Asity Madagascar
Asociación Armonía
Asociación de Conservación de los Ecosistemas Andinos (ECOAN)
Asociación Ecológica de San Marcos de Ocotepeque (AESMO)
Asociacion Naymlap
Asociación Pro Fauna Silvestre
Asociación Red Chilena de Herpetología
Association “Les Amis des Oiseaux”
Association of Zoos and Aquariums
Bat Conservation International
Belize Foundation for Research and Environmental Education (BFREE)
BioSur Foundation
BirdLife International
BirdLife South Africa
BirdLinks Armenia
Botanical Gardens Conservation International (BGCI)
Centro Latinamericano Ecologia Social
Charles Darwin Foundation
Congolese Youth Biodiversity Network
Corporación Sentido Natural
Defenders of Wildlife
Defensa y Conservacion Ecologica de Intag
Doga Dernegi
Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust
EcoHealth Alliance (formerly Wildlife Trust)
Ecoterra International
Elgon Wildlife Conservation Organization
Endangered Wildlife Trust
Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden
Fauna and Flora International
Finding Species
Forever Costa Rica Association
Foundation for the Conservation of Bolivian Parrots (CLB)
Foz Tropicana Parque das Aves
Friends of the Osa
Fundação Biodiversitas
Fundación BIOGEOS
Fundación Ecohabitats
Fundación Jocotoco
Fundación ProAves
Global Insular Conservation Society
Global Wildlife Trust
Greenhood Nepal
Guyra Paraguay
Hawks Aloft
Himalayan Nature
Hope Zoo
Humane Society International
Idea Wild
Instituto Araguaia
Instituto Ecologia Applicata
International Association of Communication Activists
International Conservation Fund of Canada
International Crane Foundation
International Iguana Foundation
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Island Conservation
IUCN Species Survival Commission Primate Specialist Group on Small Apes
Initiative de Base pour la Gestion des Ressources Naturelles (IBGRN)
Kanahau Wildlife Conservation
Kouprey Amigos dos Santuários de Animais (KASA)
Kutilang Indonesia Foundation 
Liberec Zoological Garden
Loro Parque Fundación
Lubee Bat Conservancy
Madagasikara Voakajy
Marlow Bird Park
Mauritian Wildlife Foundation
Mindo Cloudforest Foundation
Missouri Botanical Garden
Mulanje Mountain Conservation Trust
Nature Protection Trust of the Seychelles
NABU (German Society for Nature Conservation)
National Audubon Society
Nature Serve
Nature Seychelles
Nature Rwanda
Net Positive Impact
Nigerian Conservation Foundation
NOÊ Conservation
North of England Zoological Society – Chester Zoo
Philippines Biodiversity Conservation Foundation
Polish Society for Conservation Genetics LUTREOLA
Pronatura National Federation
Pro Nature Honduras Foundation
Proyecto Atlapetes
Rainforest Biodiversity Group
Rainforest Trust
Roatan Wildlife
Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
Sahara Conservation Fund
Saint Louis Zoo’s WildCare Institute
Société Audubon Haïti
Sociedad Ornitología de la Hispaniola
Sociedade de Zoologicos e Aquarios do Brasil (SZB)
StiftungArtenschutz (Species Conservation Foundation)
Synchronicity Earth
The Nature Conservancy
Tunisia Wildlife Conservation Society
Turtle Conservation Fund
Turtle Survival Alliance
Ulinzi Africa Foundation 
Voices for Biodiversity
Vermont Center for Ecostudies
Wild GYE Initiative
Wild Planet Trust
Wilderness Forever
Wildlife Conservation and Environmental Development Association of Ethiopia (WildCODE)
Wildlife Conservation Society
Wildlife Friendly
World Parrot Trust
World Pheasant Association
World Wildlife Fund US
Zoo Outreach Organization
Zoological Society of San Diego
Zoological Society of London (EDGE)
Zoological Society for the Conservation of Species and Populations
Zoological Survey of India

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Bale Mountains. Photo: stefancek