Image used in hero section:Shore plover. Photo credit: Steve Attwood. AZE protection is included in the National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) of 19 Parties to the CBD. See below for a map of those countries and a link to view all NBSAPs. Map of countries that have included AZE protection in their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) Several countries have identified national AZE sites based on national-level lists of endangered species, including Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Brazil. Countries also use AZE sites to determine national conservation priorities. [Brazilian decree and China fit well here, but neither are ready] Be a force for zero extinctionPolicy MakersInclude AZE sites within your national government conservation strategiesGovernment resourcesResearch ScientistsHelp conservation efforts through submitting site updates and nominationScience resourcesConservation organizationsProtect sites independently or in collaboration with other organizations Conservation resourcesIndividual contributorsGive your support to individual AZE partner organizations around the worldContribution options Bale Mountains. Photo: stefancek